Thursday, December 9, 2010

chillin in chile

ok, dont want you followers to give up on us so must try to keep updating!

current location: santiago, chile. population of 6 million. though we only arrived yesterday, the impression is of an incredibly cosmopolitan, europeanesque capital with underlying influences from its south american location. today we walked and walked (a bit too much for poor sean) through our neighborhood in barrio brasil (bohemian, up-and-coming spot) to el centro, where there are massive skyskrapers and the presidential palace (where salvador allende was famously killed). last night we overheard a group of gringos trying to decipher what is  Santiago's culture. they seemed to agree that in basically lacked one based on its efforts to appear like any other first world city. i cant say i agree right now, especially after seeing other parts of chile and how they play a role here. the colonial past is evident from much of the stunning architecture and cobblestone pedestrian streets. indigenous roots arent so clear but many markets still sell traditional crafts like wooden flutes, cups for drinking mate (type of south american tea) and blankets make on looms. will have to comment on our impressions more after a full week in the city!

our trajectory thus far has made for a really interesting transition. Peru was a completely new world where though we were sometimes uncomfortable, it made for really interesting new experiences. as soon as we crossed the border into Chile we noticed the differences in people. everyone is much more concerned about their appearance being western, wearing more fashionable clothes and listening to lady gaga on their cell phones. along with this first world consumerism comes a lot more obesity. one of the main foods of the chilean diet is schop, a massive hotdog covered in every known topping. no, i haven't eat it yet, don't plan on it.

will talk more about our recent adventures, including mountain biking in the desert and looking at jupiter through a telescope on a mountain, very soon!


  1. found you at 3;30AM appreciate all your hard work;it makes one feel almost there w/ you; I feel warmer just looking at your clothes;
    enjoyed blowing up all the animal photos;hope you get some more hiking in

  2. Sounds fun! I want to see some pics of the colonial architecture and cobblestone streets you mentioned- how picturesque. I miss you!!! Have fun!
